
中正漢學研究 THCI

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篇名 朱熹理氣論與萊布尼茲的自然神學
卷期 27
並列篇名 Li-Qi Theory of Zhu Xi and the Natural Theology of Leibniz
作者 林維杰
頁次 211-228
關鍵字 理先氣後理靜氣動太極上帝力學prior and posteriormove and stilltaijigoddynamicsTHCI
出刊日期 201606




This paper aims to explore a religious interpretation, namely how can Zhu Xi’s li-qi theory be understood in a significant way in which Leibniz uses his theology to comprehend Confucian thought. As it has evolves in Zhu Xi’s speech, the field of relationship of li and qi has been defined at least in several distinct ways, that are “non-separated and non-mixed,” “prior and posterior” and “move (active) and still.” But for Leibniz, as discussed in this article, only supramundane intelligence or “active li” can really arrange and dominate changeable and complicated things (qi). Leibniz is concerned to integrate Chinese and western religious thoughts and tries to close distance between Confucian li (taiji) and Christian God. Based on this integration, the li-qi thought of Zhu Xi can get a dynamical-theological interpretation and reflection, namely only “active li” can face the “qi world.”
