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篇名 時勢造英雄:創業制度與創業活動之關聯性研究
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 Institutions and Entrepreneurship: A Study of the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Institutions and Entrepreneurial Activity
作者 謝如梅蔡依倫
頁次 089-124
關鍵字 創業制度創業活動新制度理論機會型創業活動entrepreneurial institutionsentrepreneurial activityneoinstitutional theoryopportunity-driven activityTSSCI
出刊日期 201602
DOI 10.3966/199687602016020901003




Entrepreneurship studies attribute economic performance to the efforts of entrepreneurs; however, less concern the macro environment which nurturing entrepreneurs. The study examines that how the institutions of entrepreneurship shapes entrepreneurial activity. To answer the research questions, the study examines the influence of institutional dimensions (regulative, normative and cultural-cognitive) on total entrepreneurial activity and opportunity driven entrepreneurial activity by a sample of 64 countries. The main findings demonstrate that normative dimension is positively associated with the total entrepreneurial activity, and cultural-cognitive dimension is positively associated with opportunity driven entrepreneurial activity. Our study contributes to fill the research gap between comparative international entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial opportunity by clarifying the mechanism of the institutions of entrepreneurship for opportunity driven entrepreneurial activity.
