
東吳法律學報 TSSCI

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篇名 開除黨籍與司法審查—黨內民主原則的再出發
卷期 27:4
並列篇名 Judicial Review and the Expulsion from Political Party: Reinitiation the Principle of Intra-party Democracy
作者 黃仁俊
頁次 101-132
關鍵字 開除黨籍黨內民主政黨法人民團體法社團自治政黨自治國會議長黨籍案Expulsion from the political partyprinciple of intra-party democracyParty LawCivil Organizations Actassociation Autonomypolitical party autonomythe Expulsion of speakerTSSCI
出刊日期 201604




This article examines the judicial review of expulsion from the political party based on a comparison between Taiwan and Germany from the perspective of intra-party democracy. Firstly, the concept of intra-party democracy in German constitution and party law is explained in order to clarify the differences between party law and association law. Henceforth this article makes a judicial distinction between expulsion of party member and that of association member to address the applicability of Civil Organizations Act (COA) on this issue. Secondly, this article introduces the legal regulation of expulsion from the political party in German party law, to explicate the function of Parteischiedsgerichte (“party arbitration court”) and the rationale of regulating the constituent elements of expulsion from the political party, in order to compensate the concept of intra-party democracy under COA in Taiwan. Thirdly, this article explains the theoretical evolution of freedom of association, freedom of party, a ssociation autonomy, and party autonomy in constitution for the choice of examining standard. Lastly, this article comments on judgments of the expulsion of the Taiwan parliament speaker from Kuomintang (KMT) party and provides legal interpretations of this case.
