
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 設計科系學生知覺電腦支援合作設計平臺的使用性評估及滿意度之研究
卷期 39:3
並列篇名 Research on the Usability and Satisfaction of Online CSCD Platform for Design Students
作者 許正妹
頁次 067-095
關鍵字 合作式心智圖使用性評估電腦支援合作設計平臺滿意度評估線上學習平臺collaborative mind mappingusability assessmentCSCD platformsatisfaction assessmentonline learning platformTSSCI
出刊日期 201609
DOI 10.3966/102498852016093903003


網路教學平臺的功能及設計是影響教學成效的重要關鍵。本研究根據先前研 究,在了解設計科系學生對於網路教學平臺之功能需求後,乃設計並建置設計科系 網路教學平臺,名為「以電腦為基礎並支援合作設計」(Computer Support for Collaborative Design, CSCD)教學平臺。接續,本研究使用CSCD平臺做為輔助教 學的網路平臺,由設計科系學生進行實際上線測試,再進行使用性評估及滿意度調 查,以進一步驗證平臺的使用滿意度及實用價值。本研究貢獻為:一、提供一個符 合設計科系學生需求的網路教學平臺;二、提供合作式心智圖工具以支持合作式設 計;三、提供一個有助於提升學習成效及設計創造力的網路教學環境;四、提供一 個評估網路學習平臺的範例,並有助於提升網路教學平臺的品質及發展。


The function and design of an online learning environment are the key factors affecting learning efficacy. This is a follow-up study, and the effects of online learning environment- the Computer Support for Collaborative Design (CSCD) platform which was designed and constructed especially for design students was examined. The researchers first adopted the CSCD platform to serve as the online learning platform for assisted design instruction. Then, students engaged in usability assessment and satisfaction surveys to verify further the satisfaction with and practical value of the CSCD platform. Contributions of this study include: (1) providing an online learning platform which meets needs of design students; (2) provides collaborative mind mapping tool to support collaborative design; (3) enhances learning outcomes and creativity; and (4) promoting the development of online design education.
