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篇名 網路成癮的診斷準則與評估工具:發展歷史與未來方向
卷期 48:1
並列篇名 The Diagnostic Criteria and Assessment Tools for Internet Addiction: Historical Context and Future Directions
作者 施香如許韶玲
頁次 053-075
關鍵字 評估工具診斷準則網路成癮assessment toolsdiagnostic criteriainternet addictionTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 201609
DOI 10.6251/BEP.20150915




This paper aimed to sort out the development and application of the diagnostic criteria and assessment tools of internet addiction through reviewing and integrating related empirical and conceptual studies. We also offer future directions for research andclinical practice on this issue. After reviewing the diagnostic criteria and related assessment tools from the threeaspects of “substance abuse”, “impulsive control disorder” and “problematic internet use”,wealso included the compensatory use and neuropsychological /neuroimaging research findingsto obtain a picture of how the diagnostic indicators developed. We found that there were many psychiatric disordersassociated with internet addiction, butits diagnostic indicators cannot be developed solely based on the perspective of mental disorder. The psychometric properties of the assessment tools were validicated by many studies, but no concensus have been reached. The application of assessment tools shifted from a single scale to a package of tools with muti-dimensions and multiple assessing methods. Based onsuch findings, we recommend toinclude the experience of internet users as the foundational concepts for understanding the phenomenon of internet addiction, and propose a conceptual model to validate its constructs and formation process. Both the diagnostic criteria and assessment tools need to be reinvestigated. The clinician should obtain information from multiple perspectives of problematic internet users’ life experincesto offer interventions focused on their motivation, needs, and behavioral characteristics.
