
中華體育 TSSCI

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篇名 運動傷害復健的意象使用
卷期 30:3
並列篇名 Imagery use in sport injury rehabilitation
作者 林啟賢林美華陳建瑋
頁次 211-219
關鍵字 運動傷害療癒意象復健過程意象sport injuryhealing imageryrehabilitation process imageryTSSCI
出刊日期 201609
DOI 10.3966/102473002016093003007




Injury in sport is common obstacle for athletes to achieve peak performance. For athletes, having the correct knowledge, methods and procedures about the application of imagery during the injury rehabilitation process will help them return to the competition early. By introducing the definition of sport injury imagery, the possible benefits of using imagery in injury rehabilitation, the effect caused by using different types of imagery during rehabilitation, a brief overview of the research findings and the design of a practical imagery program, the coaches and athletic trainers can incorporate imagery program with athlete injury recovery courses, and it also assists athletes to quickly recover in physical and psychology to get back to competitive field.
