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篇名 《連筠簃叢書》之初探
卷期 35
並列篇名 Exploratory study on A Library Series of Lian Yun Yi
作者 張蓓如
頁次 093-118
關鍵字 連筠簃叢書張穆楊尚文A Library Series of Lian Yun YiZhang MuYang Shang Wen
出刊日期 201609




A Library Series of Lian Yun Yi is the series that Mu Chang edited for Shang Wen Yang (Ling Shi Couny). The series collected two hundred and twenty-seven books including sixteen different kinds. Most of the books are rare editions. As more and more later scholars study Mu Chang’s works, his chief editing work A Library Series of Lian Yun Yi has gradually been valued and respected in academic fields. This paper is going to investigate the meaning of the existence of A Library Series of Lian Yun Yi by discussing the books it collected.
