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篇名 雪隧通車後宜蘭觀光發展與地景變遷—大眾媒體與在地事件觀察
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 The transition of Tourism and Landscape in Yilan county after the Hsueh Shan Tunnel’s opening to traffic-the observation of public and local events
作者 吳怡彥
頁次 022-046
關鍵字 觀光發展交通運輸宜蘭農舍Tourism developmentTransportationYilan farmhouse
出刊日期 201606


長久以來,台灣國土計畫清楚界定著東部各縣市之發展定位迥異 於西部,歸咎其因多在交通運輸之限制。於2006年6月通車的雪山 隧道(國道5號)則開啟宜蘭新的觀光發展契機。本研究透過報紙媒 體報導之回顧,從觀光、房價、環境、農舍與民宿等五大面向分析討 論宜蘭在雪隧通車後之觀光發展與相關之地景變遷。結果顯示伴隨雪 隧通車,環境問題逐漸浮現,確實造成宜蘭地景破碎化現象。值此, 相關之發展準則與方向必須被確切建立與施行,方能為宜蘭長遠之永 續發展立下良好基石。


Limited by the inconvenient transportation system, the east side of Taiwan occupies quite different role in territory plan. The Hsueh Shan Tunnel’s opening a new age for the Yilan’s tourism. This study review the newspaper related to the Hsueh Shan Tunnel and Yilan, and classifies them into five aspects, including tourism, house price, farmhouse, environment and hostel while discuss their relationship with the tourism development and landscape. The results reveal that the environmental issues have been emerging after the tunnel’s openingmand the landscape has been fragmented At this moment, a more clear orientation and principles must be established for the Yilan’s sustainable development.
