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篇名 1979年伊朗革命之中政教關係的回顧與重思
卷期 15:1
並列篇名 Retrospective and Rethinking of Politics-Religion Relationship in the Iranian Revolution of 1979
作者 陳立樵
頁次 181-210
關鍵字 1979年伊朗革命1906年立憲革命什葉派何梅尼巴賀提亞爾the Iranian Revolution of 1979the Constitutional Revolution of 1906Shi‘iteAyatollah KhomeiniShapour Bakhtiyar
出刊日期 201609
DOI 10.3966/168437382016091501005




This article examines the influence of Politics-Religion relationship in the Iranian Revolution of 1979. Academic studies argue that Islam was the key factor that made the 1907 revolution happen. The reign of Ayatollah Khomeini after the Revolution specifically proved that he played an important role in the incident. Studies thus endeavored to discover the root of the tremendous influence of Islam, and concluded that secular politics and sacred Islam had been rivalries for a long time in the history of Iran. In these studies, hence, it can be seen that Islam had impacts on Iranian politics. The Shi‘ite ulama (clergy) denied the justification of the secular political administration, and also challenged the Iranian government and then caused some great incidents, such as the Constitutional Revolution of 1906, the protests to the Pahlavi government in 1978, and the 1979 Revolution. The 1979 Revolution was viewed as a product of a long period conflict of politics and religion. It was also a great incident referring to the rise of Islam, which was suppressed by the policy of westernization of the Pahlavi government. However, from various original documents and different materials, conflict of politics and religion was not the main characteristic in the history of Iran. Khomeini and Islam did not actually play the most important roles in the Iranian Revolution of 1979, in which there were more factors and subjects, such as Bazargan and Bakhtiyar, worth to explore with. So far Khomeini is still a symbol of charisma, a legend, and even a myth to many Iranians. Nevertheless, he and the 1979 Revolution indeed need to be examined, in order to make things clearer. Therefore, this article suggests that the Iranian Revolution of 1979, which took place 36 years ago, is worth to look through in different ways for a better understanding, rather than simply one perspective from conflict of politics and religion.
