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篇名 主體的自我vs.現象的自我——從主體自我理論回應麥清格的自我幻覺理論
卷期 43:10=509
並列篇名 Subjective Self vs. Phenomenal Self——From the Theories of Subjective Self to Respond Matzinger’s Self-illusion Theory
作者 李麗娟
頁次 161-179
關鍵字 自我心智意識腦科學主體麥清格祁克果不可共量SelfMindConsciousnessBrain ScienceSubjectiveThomas MetzingerSøren KierkegaardIncommensurableA&HCI
出刊日期 201610




During these years the research achievements of brain science and cognitive science promote innumerable interdisciplinary studies and have great influences on the traditional concepts of theological and philosophical anthropology. In this article the theory of Metzinger’s phenomenal first person’s view/phenomenal self will be discussed in order to present an integrative model of brain science and humanities. After that the viewpoints of Chalmers, Bennett and Hacker, Davidson, Nagel and Bergson will be philosophical responses to Metzinger’s anthropology and Kierkegaard’s subjective self according to Transcendence as theological response. The theme of this article will focus on investigating different Methodology but not on the methods of interdisciplinary integration. In the end it will demonstrate the possibility to integrate the knowledge of brain science and at the same time to keep the view of subjective free will in anthropology.
