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篇名 製造商對配銷商解構行為的知覺與回應
卷期 26:3
並列篇名 Manufacturer Perceptions and Responses to Destructive Behaviors of Distributors
作者 趙琪羅珏瑜王海權
頁次 185-214
關鍵字 知覺解構行為網絡結構通路關係perceived destructive behaviornetwork structurechannel relationshipScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 201609
DOI 10.6226/NTUMR.2016.DEC.R.12005


本研究旨在發展製造商知覺配銷商解構行為之模式,採個案研究和問卷調查之混合方法 設計。結果顯示:(1)「網絡密度」對「知覺配銷商解構行為」有正向效果,「網絡集中 度」則為負向作用;(2)「成員互賴性」和「關係規範」均能抑制「知覺配銷商解構行為」, 但「制式契約」會增加;(3)「知覺配銷商解構行為」對「目標達成」和「關係品質」均 有正向影響;(4)「成員互賴性」和「關係規範」的程度愈高,製造商較會採取「正面回 應策略」;(5) 製造商採「正面回應策略」比「負面回應策略」,更能提升「目標達成」 和「關係品質」;(6)「知覺配銷商解構行為」和「回應策略」在解構過程中扮演中介角 色。最後提出學術與管理意涵,以及未來研究方向。


This study develops a model to understand perceived destructive acts of distributors from manufacturers’ viewpoints. A mixed method research design including qualitative and quantitative analyses is used in this empirical study, yielding the following findings: (1) manufacturers perceive more destructive acts of distributors when there is higher network density but fewer when there is network centrality; (2) the higher the total dependence is and the more norms there are, the fewer destructive acts of distributors that occur; however, the more normative contracts there are, the more destructive acts of distributors that occur; (3) perceived destructive acts of distributors lead to a lowering of goal achievement and relationship quality; (4) as total dependence and relational norms of channel relationship increases, positive strategies of manufacturers are more favorable than negative ones, but formal contracts do not; (5) the response to positive strategies of manufacturers has more favorable effects than that to negative strategies on both goal achievement and relationship quality; and (6) the perceived destructive acts of distributors and response strategies of manufacturers exert partial mediating effects during destructive process. Finally, in this paper, both theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.
