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篇名 Resection of hepatic huge cavernous hemangioma under the extracorporeal circulation: a case report
卷期 14:3
並列篇名 體外循環輔助下巨大肝臟血管瘤切除之病例報告
作者 羅世倫侯紹敏石敏言
頁次 143-148
關鍵字 Liver hemangiomaextracorporeal hepatic resection肝臟血管瘤體外循環肝臟切除
出刊日期 201609
DOI 10.3966/181020932016091403004


肝臟血管瘤是常見的良性肝臟腫瘤,大部分很小且不需要進一步治療。但巨大的 肝臟血管瘤可能造成嚴重的失能症狀,必須手術介入治療。傳統手術可能導致無法控 制的出血,我們發表藉由體外循環輔助下切除巨大肝臟血管瘤的個案。一個40 歲女性 病人到院時以腹脹合併食慾差為主訴,影像學上看到將近15 公分大的肝臟血管瘤,我 們以體外循環輔助下成功切除巨大肝臟血管瘤。我們回顧文獻並作出討論。


Liver hemangiomas are the most common benign liver tumors, usually small in size and requiring no treatment. Huge hemangiomas may causing severe incapacitating symptoms, however, are generally considered an absolute indication for surgical resection. A 40-yearold woman initially presented with abdominal fullness and poor appetite. An image study showed a liver cavernous hemangiomas about 15cm in size at S4-5-8 of liver. The patient was successfully treated by extended right hepatectomy under the extracorporeal circulation with minimal blood loss and without any complications. We review the literature and discuss about extracorporeal hepatic resection.
