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篇名 「至於你信不信,我反正信了」:中國大陸2011年溫州動車追撞事件網路意見表達與政府回應
卷期 22:1
並列篇名 “I Believe it, Whether You Do or not”: Online Opinions and the Government Response to the 2011 Wenzhou High-Speed Train Collision in Mainland China
作者 劉嘉薇
頁次 001-034
關鍵字 互聯網微博網民問責溫州動車internetweibonetizenaccountabilityWenzhou High-Speed Train
出刊日期 201603
DOI 10.6635/cpar.2016.22(1).01




On July 27, 2011 when the high-speed train collision occurred in Wenzhou, news related to the event was blocked in Mainland China, netizens nonetheless overcame the restrictions and were able to spread the news about the incident and express their appeal. Mainland China is a regime whose systems and ideologies are at odds with democratic society. Under such system, will the implementation of government accountability be different from other democratic nations? During the Wenzhou high-speed train incident, Mainland China has used various methods to achieve accountability, yet within the boundary that values of the Party cannot be violated throughout the response process. In handling the various network discussions, China’s approaches in maintaining social stability were also different from democratic nations. In terms of accountability, the approaches taken by the authorities in responding to the public primarily included replacement of officials, set up of an inquiry group, explanation of incident details, clarification of the rescue process and justification of its sequence, implementation of zero controls for future major incidents involving fatality of 30 people and more, and expression of condolences about the incident. On the other hand, control measures of government seemed never halted once, including ordering the media to “use news published by authorities”, implementation of a real-name system for Internet access to maintain social stability. Accountability in democratic nations can win the trust of the people, whereas accountability achieved through control may lose popular support. This is because controls can build up undercurrents to more discontent, whereas more support and trust will be won if the opinions of the public are included into policy suggestions. In this regard, “I believe it, whether you do or not”!
