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篇名 國家批准國際環境協議的關聯性分析:永續發展的觀點
卷期 22:2
並列篇名 The Relationship Analysis of State’s International Environmental Agreement Ratification: Sustainable Development Perspective
作者 傅岳邦
頁次 035-059
關鍵字 永續發展國際環境協議聯合國氣候變化綱要公約京都議定書批准Sustainable DevelopmentInternational Environmental AgreementUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeKyoto ProtocolRatification
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.6635/cpar.2016.22(2).02


自1997年12月11日《聯合國氣候變化綱要公約》架構下的《京都議定書》 問世以來,被各國行政或立法部門批准的狀況各異:有些國家批准的步調迅速、 耗費的時程較短;有些國家批准的步調緩慢、耗費的時程較長。本文運用永續發 展文獻所突顯的國家面向以及來自聯合國《人類發展報告》的相關指標,初步驗 證一個與國家批准國際環境協議有關的概念架構,檢視批准《京都議定書》時程 不同的《聯合國氣候變化綱要公約》締約國的永續發展現狀。
研究發現環境績效指數、公共教育支出、整體生活滿意度、不平等調適的人 類發展指數與成人識字率的得分愈高而多面向貧窮指數的得分愈低的《聯合國氣 候變化綱要公約》締約國,批准《京都議定書》所耗費的時程相對較短;另一方 面,環境績效指數、公共教育支出、整體生活滿意度、不平等調適的人類發展指 數與成人識字率的得分愈低而多面向貧窮指數的得分愈高的《聯合國氣候變化綱 要公約》締約國,批准《京都議定書》所耗費的時程相對較長。


Due to the states’ various ratification conditions to Kyoto Protocol emerged on December 11, 1997, this essay intends to establish a conceptual framework to testify the relations between state’s sustainable development dimensions and its international environmental agreement ratification. Environmental performance index, multidimensional poverty index, public expenditure on education, GDP per capita, carbon dioxide emissions per capita, overall life satisfaction, inequality-adjusted human development index, adult literacy rate are eventually verified in this conceptual framework.
The Research findings contribute to the higher scores of environmental performance index, public expenditure on education, GDP per capita, carbon dioxide emissions per capita, overall life satisfaction, inequality-adjusted human development index, adult literacy rate and the lower score of multidimensional poverty index, the shorter the Kyoto Protocol ratification duration of country of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; on the other side, the lower scores of environmental performance index, public expenditure on education, GDP per capita, carbon dioxide emissions per capita, overall life satisfaction, inequality-adjusted human development index, adult literacy rate and the higher score of multidimensional poverty index, the longer the Kyoto Protocol ratification duration of country of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
