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篇名 以廣博的基礎知識為主軸的通識教育——理想、現實及轉圜之道
卷期 43:11=510
並列篇名 Broad Knowledge-based General Education: Its Ideal, Reality, and Alternatives
作者 但昭偉
頁次 025-039
關鍵字 博雅教育通識教育皮德思赫斯特Liberal EducationGeneral EducationR. S. PetersP. HirstA&HCI
出刊日期 201611


西方近代傳統教育的理想著眼的是理性心靈(rational mind)的陶成。而理性心靈的陶成繫諸於對各類型學科知識(如哲學、自然科學、社會科學或人文學科等)的掌握。一個受過如此教育薰陶的人,能夠掌握各類學科知識的基本概念、主要內容、求知方法,他能利用所學來瞭解他所處的世界,並能將他生活中的經驗賦予恰當的意義。如此一來,他的行動和選擇就會趨於理性,他會是一個有自主能力(autonomy)的自由人。


Broad knowledge-based general education is currently the main, if not the only, model adopted in Taiwan’s higher education institutions. This paper is meant to examine its theoretical background, difficulties in practice, and the alternatives of it.
This paper is divided into four sections. The first section points to the fact and background which makes the broad knowledge-based general education dominant in Taiwan’s higher education. The second section introduces two educational philosophers’ accounts (R.S. Peters’ and P. Hirst’s) with regard to how broad knowledge-based general education can be justified. It is maintained that the knowledge-based general education is the means to realize the ideas of autonomy, rational mind, and human development. The third section deals with the possible difficulties embedded in Peters’ and Hirst’s justification and the difficulties detected in the practice of the broad knowledge-based general education in Taiwan. In the final section, the author suggests some alternatives which can be seriously considered by Taiwan’s universities.
