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篇名 論M. Nussbaum以公共情感為基礎的 創發性正義及其實踐
卷期 43:11=510
並列篇名 On M. Nussbaum’s Poetic Justice and its Practice of Public Emotions
作者 王俊斌
頁次 041-060
關鍵字 能力取向公共情感憐憫想像力社會正義Capacities ApproachPublic EmotionsCompassionateImaginationSocial JusticeA&HCI
出刊日期 201611


本文根據Martha Nussbaum「能力取向理論」(capabilities approach theory)及其「創發性正義」(poetic justice)觀,分析愛、義憤與悲憫像等不同公共情感之實踐價值,並論證Nussbaum企圖以此培養富有同情心之公民教育基礎。除了早期《愛的知識:哲學與文學論文集》、《創發性正義:文學想像與公共生活》、《思想的劇變:情緒的智慧》或《涵育人文:博雅教育改革的古典辯護》等著作,本文也將最近出版《政治情感:以愛為基礎的正義》與《憤怒和寬恕:怨恨、寬容與正義》之論點納入討論。本文之目的包括:首先,將說明Nussbauam對「情緒」能力納入社會正義之論證,並分析「公共情緒表徵「在Scylla與Charybdis之間」的隱喻意涵;其次,闡述Nussbaum「創發性正義」之主張及其「公共情感」觀點的教學價值;第三則在探討John Rawls對於公共情感與正義感的不同界定,並提出部分學者對於Nussbaum的批評。最後,本文期待能以情感政治面向之正向價值,提出豐富感受能力喚醒之教育,進而對教育困境與道德問題之解決指出另一種出路。


Based on Martha Nussbaum's “capacities approach theory” and “poetic justice” argument, this article analyzed the practical values of different public emotions, including love, compassionate, and anger, to demonstrate Nussbaum’s attempt of developing a compassionate citizenship education foundation. In addition to the concepts developed in her earlier works, such as “Love’s Knowledge: Essays on philosophy and literature”, “Poetic justice: The literary, imagination and public life”, “Upheavals of thought: the intelligence of emotions”, or “Cultivating humanity: a classical defense of reform in liberal education”, the viewpoints of her recent works “Political emotions: Why love matters for justice” and “Anger and forgiveness: Resentment, generosity, justice” are included in the discussion of this article as well. The purposes of this article are to firstly explain the argument of Nussbaum’s social justice incorporating “emotional intelligence”, and to analyze the metaphorical meaning of public emotion “between Scylla and Charybdis”. Secondly, the article intended to expound Nussbaum's advocates of “poetic justice” and the educational value of her view “public emotions”. Thirdly, this article discussed a different definition of public emotions and justice made by John Rawls, and put forward critics for Nussbaum made by some scholars. Finally, through examining the positive value of political emotions, this article would propose an education that is awakened by rich emotions and a way out for educational dilemmas and moral issues.
