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篇名 教育中的終極關懷與馬里旦的博雅教育思想
卷期 43:11=510
並列篇名 Ultimate Concern of the Person and Jacques Maritain’s Thoughts on Liberal Education
作者 何佳瑞
頁次 077-094
關鍵字 馬里旦教育哲學博雅教育終極關懷精神自由Jacques MaritainPhilosophy of EducationLiberal EducationUltimate ConcernSpiritual FreedomA&HCI
出刊日期 201611


馬里旦的教育哲學,向我們展示了他對於受教者的一種終極的關懷。馬里旦在探討博雅教育時,終極關懷從不曾離開他的視野,對於受教者朝向於終極實在的一種精神發展,被表述在他關於「精神自由」(spiritual freedom)的論述當中,「精神自由」的概念,成為深刻地理解馬里旦教育哲學的核心概念。


Jacques Maritain’s philosophy of education reveals his ultimate concern for educatees. In his exploration on liberal education, spiritual development of educatees toward ultimate reality is expressed in his discourses on “spiritual freedom,” which are the key to understanding Maritain’s philosophy of education.
This article explores the ultimate concern for human beings which is displayed in Maritain’s liberal education, and such concern is expressed in his educational theories as a preparation for and persistence towards spiritual freedom of students. The ultimate concern of human beings should be a priority of education; it is the most fundamental purpose of education which cannot be ignored; it is the essential task of education, that is, “forming a human being,” helping “a child achieve his full cultivation” and acquiring his integrity as a human being. Maritain’s liberal education implies an ultimate concern for human beings and illuminates transcendental factors in human nature, which, from my viewpoint, is a sound warning to the over-emphasized pragmatic trends in current education.
