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篇名 陽村權近之「天人心性合一」論淺析——以「敬」為基礎的「心學」
卷期 43:11=510
並列篇名 A Shallow Analysis on GueonGeun’s Theory of Tianrenxinxingheyi (天人心性合一)
作者 安載晧
頁次 155-169
關鍵字 陽村權近入學圖說天人合一心學四端七情YangChon陽村GueonGeun權近Ruxuetushuo《入學圖說》Tianrenheyi天人合一Jing敬Xinxue心學Four Beginnings and Seven FeelingsA&HCI
出刊日期 201611




The object of this article is YangChon陽村 GueonGeun權近 who is a representative scholar of Neo-Confucianism in the early years of the Joseon Dynasty and also can be called the founder of whole Joseon Neo-Confucianism at the same time. In this paper, I try to explain Tianrenheyi天人合一 as his belief and aim can be understood and reached through theoretical basis of Tianming天命 and Xingli性理, Jing敬 as a specific practice of mind cultivation. I shall first review the fundamental notions of Ruxuetushuo《入學圖說》which is Gueoneview the fundamental notions of through theoreticalure of it. From this, I shall identify theory of Gueon serving as foundation of Xinxue心學 which is the point of Neo-Confucianism in the Joseon Dynasty.
