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篇名 「五行」本為歷數概念詳證
卷期 43:11=510
並列篇名 A Detailed Proof of “Wu-xing (五行)” Which Was Originally a Concept of Calendar in Chinese Ancient Thought
作者 林桂榛
頁次 171-193
關鍵字 五行五材運行歷數思孟鄒衍荀子Wu-xing Wu-cai MovementCalendarSi-meng Zouyan Xunzi A&HCI
出刊日期 201611




In the origin of Chinese “Wu-xing (五行)” theory, “Wu-xing” is not concept of materials such as gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. In fact, the earliest meaning of “Wu-xing” is concept of calendar adopted to describe the zodiac or the time, “Wu” refers to five, “Xing”refers to the operation of the sun or the zodiac. Yin-yang (陰陽), Si-shi (四時), Ba-zheng (八正) , and “Wu-xing” , all belong to the theory system which are descriptions of heavens or solar terms. In the earliest time, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth do not belong to the concept of “Wu-xing” , but belong to the concept of “Wu-cai” (五材) which means five elements of material in the universe. Si-meng (思孟) school drew an analogy between human five virtues and Wu-xing of zodiac, than Zouyan (鄒衍) contributed to compare the five moralities which were called “gold, wood, water, fire, earth” to the heaven, and referred to the alternate circulation of the heaven. According to the Yi (彝) nationality ancient calendar which the integer 360 of days in a year was divided into 10 months or 5 sections, Chen Jiujin (陳久金), an exper on the history of astronomy at Chinese Academy of Sciences, correctly analyzed the original meaning of “Wu-xing” which is a major concept or major issue in the Chinese ancient thought. This not only solved the basic problem of listing ten months for ancient solar calendar, but also received thorough solution to “Wu-xing” ’s original meaning . Based on Chen Jiujin’s 9 valid evidence, this paper will give a detailed proof of the “Wu-xing” which originally means five or ten periods of the zodiac or the year.
