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篇名 初期慢性腎臟病病人之健康促進
卷期 15:1
並列篇名 Health Promotion of Patients with Early Stage Chronic Kidney Disease
作者 廖軒伶陳俞琪
頁次 001-010
關鍵字 健康促進慢性腎臟病慢性腎臟病health promotionchronic kidney diseasehealth promoting lifestyleTSCI
出刊日期 201603
DOI 10.3966/172674042016031501001




Despite strong government support for chronic kidney disease (CKD) prevention programs in recent years, but the prevalence of end stage of CKD is still increasing. Patients need dialysis to sustain their lives, which not only becomes a burden on individuals and families but also imposes immense financial pressure on the healthcare system. However, the impact of end stage of CKD still can be alleviated if we conduct a health promoting lifestyle. Engaging in health promotion behaviors is the first priority to early stage CKD patients. Health promoting lifestyle is the key to the prevention of many diseases. It also improves the health of chronic disease patients, and produces good outcome in exercise, diet, adherence, and disease recovery. As the early stages of CKD are often asymptomatic and easily ignored, lack of awareness among the general population often lead to delayed treatment. Patients also fail to adopt a healthy lifestyle after diagnosis. There is a lack of research on health promotion for CKD patients. The author therefore tried to leverage the experience from past research on the application of health promotion to other chronic diseases, and study the health promotion strategies specific for early stage CKD. This will provide a reference for the future development of health promoting care programs.
