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篇名 運用 6S 管理模式提升血液透析室 醫療衛材管理效率之專案
卷期 15:1
並列篇名 Using the 6S Management Model to Improve the Effectiveness of Hemodialysis Medical Material Management
作者 陳宥均張淑女林妮妮曾雅婷謝春滿
頁次 026-039
關鍵字 醫療衛材管理效率專案medicalmedical materialmanagement efficiencyprojectsTSCI
出刊日期 201603
DOI 10.3966/172674042016031501003


背景:血液透析室有責任提供安全無疑醫材,若醫材管理正確,則有利於病人順 利完成洗腎,故引發改善動機。目的:本文旨在提升血液透析室醫材管理效率,經調 查醫材管理效率僅有 58.6% 的主要原因為:(一)病人及家屬未自備醫材而自行取 用;(二)人員取用及補充醫材之認知及技能有誤;(三)欠缺合宜的在職教育、欠 缺適當的庫房管理辦法、醫材管理規範。(四)醫材整理盒標示不清及電腦化醫材管 理系統設計不良;解決辦法:運用 6S 管理模式擬定改善辦法,包含提供病患及家屬 宣導活動、舉辦工作人員在職教育、制定稽核與獎勵機制、建立庫房管理暨醫材管理 規範、修訂工作車及醫材放置盒等設備等。結果:改善後使醫材管理效率由 58.6% 提 升 96%,顯示達專案目的。結論:運用 6S 管理模式不僅有效管理血液透析室醫材, 且提升醫材正確取用知能,期望作為類似單位改善之參考。


Background: The hemodialysis unit is responsible for providing absolutely safe medical material. As proper medical material management helps patients complete dialysis without incident it motivated the authors to conduct this project. Purpose: This study sought to evaluate the efficiency of medical material management at a hemodialysis unit. There were some issues that limited the efficiency of medical material management to just 58.6%: (1) Patients and their families preferred to choose from medical materials at the hospital rather than bring their own; (2) Problems in nurses’ understanding and technique on collection and replenishment of medical materials. (3) Lack of appropriate in-service education, store room management regulations and medical material management guidelines; (4) Medical material sorting bins were unclearly marked and poor design of the computerized medical material management systems. Resolution: The following strategies based on the 6S management model were implemented during this project: promoting medical material management for patients and families, in-service education, creating auditing and incentive mechanisms, establishing standard operating procedures for store room management and medical material management, and modifications to related equipment etc. Results: After the implementation of the project the efficiency of medical material management improved from 58.6% to 96%, realizing the goal of the project. Conclusion: Using the 6S management model not only enabled effective management of medical materials but also enhanced knowledge and ability for proper collection of medical materials. The author hopes this will provide a useful reference for improvements at other similar units.
