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篇名 類博物館定向與產業
卷期 701
並列篇名 On the Use of Quasi-Museums
作者 黃光男
頁次 002-013
出刊日期 201610




Quasi-museums are not really institutions in their own right, and yet can often extend beyond the educational and cultural functions of traditional museums. These are places that are close to the hearts of the general public, and serve diverse functions during different times of the year. They encourage the public to learn, provide a platform for social exchange, and promote the public good.
Quasi-museums are not bound by the restrictions of traditional institutions. They include memorial halls, places of worship, cultural centers, public plazas, and even funeral homes and cemeteries. They serve to promote industries such as agriculture and business and bring a human touch to what is otherwise a staid field of work. The many activities held at these locations, such as concerts, religious gatherings, and lantern festivals may even attract visitors from afar, serving not only to educate citizens, but also bring in international tourists.
With such an important role to play, these quasi-museums satisfy the public’s thirst for history, strengthens their faith in humanity, and promotes culture and good taste. They also spawn cottage industries that promote humanistic thinking, and will eventually serve to instill humanity in the citizenry.

