
中山管理評論 TSSCI

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篇名 環境競爭性、事業關係與子公司重要性
卷期 24:3
並列篇名 Competitive Environment, Business Relationships and Subsidiary Importance
作者 陳律睿鄒鴻泰
頁次 609-640
關鍵字 多國籍企業子公司環境競爭事業關係關注MNESubsidiaryEnvironment CompetitivenessBusiness RelationshipAttentionTSSCI
出刊日期 201609
DOI 10.6160/2016.09.06




What determines the importance of subsidiary in MNE? In this paper, we shed light in this question by linking the environment competitiveness, subsidiary business relationships, and headquarters international attention to the subsidiary importance. We test our hypotheses by questionnaires of 197 subsidiaries in Taiwan. Our results indicate that the environment competitiveness, customer business relationship, and competitor business relationship have a positive effect on the subsidiary importance. We also find that headquarters international attention into its effect between the subsidiary context and importance. We discuss implication for the MNE literature, internal and external network, and the literature on the subsidiary’s and headquarters’ role.
