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篇名 A Traveler’s Views – Microscopic and Macroscopic
卷期 5
作者 Jiang Xinying
頁次 038-041
出刊日期 201609



Travel involves stepping into unknown, yet beautiful, lands and facing unfamiliar roads, foods, smells, and languages, while wandering about and piecing together a journal of your adventures. Perhaps these are the reasons that travel captivates so many people. Husband-and-wife authors Yoshifumi and Mari Katakura have traveled to more than 60 countries around the world, but have a special liking for Taiwan. In 1997, and again in 1999, they took up residence in and traveled throughout Taiwan, writing, photographing, riding its railways, and researching its history, recording its quintessential cultural practices and customs. Through the eyes of these travelers we see an even more beautiful Taiwan.

