
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Production Effectiveness-based System Reliability Calculation of Serial Manufacturing with Checking Machine
卷期 27:3
作者 Fu-Li ZhouXu WangYun Lin
頁次 201-211
關鍵字 efficient rate of productionequivalent workstationproduction effectivenessserial manufacturing system with checking machinesystem reliabilityEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201610
DOI 10.3966/199115592016102703017



The discrepancy between input and output in a typical serial manufacturing system is always exists, due to workstation reliability and stochastic factors. The novel system reliability concept that takes customer needs into account has been redefined. On the basis of description of serial manufacturing system with checking machine (SMSCM), system reliability evaluation method has been put forward based on production effectiveness. The proposed method framework applying to a cylinder production line case has been proved to be efficient and effective to the system reliability problem of serial manufacturing system under OTD lot production. The interactive relationship between system reliability and time unit or order lot-sizing is remarked as well, which provide some guidance.

