
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 張夢機詞日常書寫的自傳色彩與苦難消解
卷期 32
並列篇名 The Biographical Character and Hardship Relaxation of Meng-Ci Chang's Daily Writing
作者 黃雅莉
頁次 241-269
關鍵字 張夢機日常生活自傳書寫以病入詞Meng-Ji Changdaily writingautobiography writingto the patients into TsuTHCI
出刊日期 201611




Meng-Ji Chang, the late Taiwanese classical poetry writer, after the 50-year-old stroke confined to bed, began hiding in the medication life. In order to escape from the changing and unharmonious life and sadness of existence, he focused on creation and retrospect tragic experience to dissolve the life difficulty. The writing style in his later years became depressed, and more self-pity bitterness.
Literature, although cannot be seen as the author’s biography, but certainly it is the externalization of author’s spirit. Mr. Chang ‘s Poetry reflected his life transformation; he encountered the loneliness of writing and the sadness of changing life. His work of "Kun-Tian-Wai-Cit" collected seventy-six Tsu, and the uniqueness is that they were placed chronically, and thus become an autobiographical writing style of the self daily life condition. From which one can see the transformation of his life and emotion, i.e., from lyric to medication, corresponding to the author's late condition and mood. Exploring his works can discover a new way of life for the people of adversity, i.e., creation can compensate life and tranquilize spirit of suffering.
