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篇名 復健期燒傷病人搔癢之處置與照護
卷期 63:6
並列篇名 The Management of Itching in Burn Patients During the Rehabilitation Stage
作者 羅淑芬張麗蓉薛婷元潘靜怡吳慧絹
頁次 102-106
關鍵字 燒傷復健期搔癢症burnrehabilitation stageitchingpruritusMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.6224/JN.63.5.102




Pruritus, a distressing symptom that affects burn patients, not only interferes with activities of daily living but also causes disturbed sleep, which has been associated with anxiety, depression, and other types of negative moods. Furthermore, the uncontrolled scratching that often accompanies pruritus causes tissue damage and may damage or destroy the skin graft. In this paper, the authors first describe the definition and mechanism of pruritus and next use itching-assessment tools to identify the triggering factors. Finally, the authors propose a multifaceted approach to treating pruritus that includes using medication, topical emollients, massage therapy, skin moisture, relaxation techniques, and combined coping to relieve patient discomfort. The authors hope that this paper deepens and broadens the knowledge of health professionals on this issue and improves the quality of care that is available for burn patients who are in the rehabilitation stage.
