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篇名 Articulatory Characteristics of the Coronal Consonants in Malaysian Mandarin: With Special Reference to the Non-“Canonical” Sibilants
卷期 46:4
並列篇名 馬來西亞華語舌冠音的構音研究:特究其「非典型」噝擦音的可能來源
作者 黃 婷張月琴謝豐帆
頁次 743-784
關鍵字 Malaysian Mandarincoronal consonantssibilantspalatographylinguographylanguage contact馬來西亞華語舌冠音噝擦音假顎圖舌面圖語言接觸THCI
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.6503/THJCS.2016.46(4).03


本研究旨在調查馬來西亞(檳城)華語舌冠音的構音特徵,特別著眼於噝擦音的 「非典型」發音性質。主要研究結果臚列於下:(一)塞音d的顎位遍及齒齦 (dentialveolar)和齒槽(alveolar)兩區,舌位則包括舌尖和舌葉;(二)擦音s、sh和 塞擦音z、zh發音部位大致相同,皆為舌葉齒槽音;(三)擦音x有兩個語音變體, 分別為典型的齒槽音M和位置偏前的齒齦舌音[?];(四)塞擦音j的接觸面積較大, 為一舌尖面音,碰觸齒齦及齒槽兩區。本研究另外發現x的語音變體基本上由環境制 約:在馬來西亞(檳城)華語中,引發顎化現象的前高母音及介音[i,j]常與非典型、偏 前變體[5]相拼,而典型變體M則多出現於其它環境。本文認為該現象很有可能是語 言接觸後的音變結果。


This study is an articulatory investigation of the coronal consonants in Malaysian Mandarin, with special reference to the non-“canonical” realization of the sibilants. Our principal findings are: (i) d is apico-laminal dentialveolo-alveolar [t], (ii) s and sh are mostly laminal alveolar [s̻], and z, zh are the same as those of the corresponding fricatives, (iii) x has two phonetic variants: laminal alveolar [ɕ] (“canonical”) and laminal (denti-)alveolar [ɕ̘] (non-“canonical”, fronted), and (iv) j, as compared to z and zh, has a wider midsagittal contact, i.e., apical dentialveoloalveolar [tɕ]. Another important new finding is that the two variants of x are contextually conditioned. Specifically, the high front vowel [i] and the palatal glide [j] often co-occur with the non-“canonical”, fronted x (i.e., [ɕ̘]), while the “canonical” [ɕ] is found elsewhere. The phenomenon in question is attributable to language contactinduced sound change.
