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篇名 教育行政的研究倫理
卷期 272
並列篇名 Research Ethics of Educational Administration
作者 黃乃熒
頁次 057-073
關鍵字 研究倫理教育行政組織理論research ethicseducational administrationorganizational theory
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.3966/168063602016120272005




The study is to explore the new directions for the research ethics of educational administration. Not only to highlight the importance of following research ethics criteria, but also to devote to the study of organizational theories. This is helpful for the awareness of social-class reproduction. After refi ning the defi nitions of research ethics of educational administration, some controversial issues and the possible solutions would be discussed. It is asserted that all the people in the study should have literacy of research ethics to maintain the quality of studies, and further expand the application and creativity of the research results to make improvement in education. Eventually, the conclusions provide with people, including research ethics of educational administration: (1) could help the development of researchers’ intelligence and virtues; (2) controversies result from the lack of annotations for meaning extension; (3) controversies can be solved by the enhancement of researchers’ coordinate intelligence from the contradictory dialectics; (4) cultivations of the literacy ground in the researchers’ mental model of moral self-critique.
