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篇名 呂格爾詮釋學之敘事認同與勾勒形構神聖者研究
卷期 43:12=511
並列篇名 On Narrative Identity and Figuring the Sacred in Paul Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics
作者 黃筱慧
頁次 047-061
關鍵字 詮釋呂格爾敘事神聖認同HermeneuticsRicoeurNarrativeSacredIdentityA&HCI
出刊日期 201612




The paper begins with the research in Paul Ricoeur’s Figuring the Sacred—Religion, Narrative, and Imagination, by going detour on identity-ipse (identité-ipséité), via his early books on The Rule of Metaphor, and Time and Narrative, and his later book, Oneself as Another. The paper wishes to apply Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics on the relation between narrative identity and about figuring the sacred. The whole paper is going through metaphor, threefold mimesis, time and narrative, and through the ipse-identity (identité-ipséité) and sameness (mêmeté) for the research of narrative identity. The main focus is for how to apply Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics on thinking Christian religion within ceremony, especially on the process that one interpreter applies on narrative identity and the figuring the sacred.
