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篇名 從中條百合子初期作品《伸子》中的恐怖探討女主角的形象及感情表現
卷期 49
並列篇名 Character image and emotional expression of Yuriko’s early works - By studying feeling of Nobuko -
作者 王淑芬
頁次 133-158
關鍵字 宮本百合子伸子結婚離婚恐怖Yuriko nakazyouNobukoMarriageDivorceTerrible
出刊日期 201609




Miyamoto Yuriko's works influenced many Japanese women. Especially the Nobuko is the best. The Nobuko based on the author's (Yuriko Miyamoto) personal experience. She went to America and met Araki sigeru in New York. Then they felt in love and married. But they were so different in many ways so this marriage ended by divorce five years later. In this novel the actress expressed many things, feeling, thought etc.by “terrible” this word. And this novel has two editions. I try to compare how and when and why the author used this word “terrible “so ften.By studying the different meaning of “terrible”this word between this two edition (Kaizou edition and Nobuko),we can understand the author's personality was become more and more developed. And her hhumanismThought was growled up.
