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篇名 Twenty, Thirty, Forty|Kitamura Toyoharu’s Filmmaking Dream
卷期 6
作者 Jiang Xinying
頁次 036-039
出刊日期 201612



“A father going through a midlife crisis, a mother with an empty nest and three children facing issues of work, love, interpersonal relationship and adolescence....” These are the core themes of director Kitamura Toyoharu’s latest work, Q Series: Love of Sandstorm (植劇場──戀愛沙塵暴). Kitamura consistently uses humor and exaggerated visual techniques to easily move between the imaginary and the real. At the same time, he breaks away from his portrayal of love stories in the past with script realistically portraying the social tensions of everyday life. The audience laughs with the recognition of things familiar from their own lives. Watching the story unfold is more than just a window into myriad aspects of life in Taipei – we also see ourselves living in this sprawling metropolis.


