
Contemporary Management Research

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篇名 Modelling the Relationship among Green Perceived Value, Green Trust, Satisfaction, and Repurchase Intention of Green Products
卷期 12:1
作者 Aris Y. C. LamMei Mei LauRonnie Cheung
頁次 047-060
關鍵字 Green ProductsRepurchase Intention
出刊日期 201603
DOI 10.7903/cmr.13842



This study investigates the relationship among green perceived value, green trust, satisfaction, and repurchase intention of green products. A research model was developed to investigate the factors affecting the repurchase intention of green products. The research results demonstrated that green trust and satisfaction mediate the relationship between green perceived value and repurchase intention. The research results also indicated that the drivers of green product repurchase intention are represented by perceived value, green trust, and satisfaction. Companies should emphasize resources to improve these aspects in order to enhance green product repurchase intention among consumers.
