
Contemporary Management Research

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篇名 Enterprise Systems Education through Supply Chain Management
卷期 6:1
作者 David AngTom GriffinJane GoodsonJohnny Ho
頁次 003-010
關鍵字 Supply Chain Management Competitiveness Enterprise Systems
出刊日期 201003



The U.S. and other developed nations are experiencing competitiveness in offering higher educational degree programs. Due to the rise of more private and online educational institutions, existing traditional class room teaching institutions are facing the impact of intensifying competition in recruitment and graduation. This created the so-called “Enterprise Systems Education” at large. Many strategies are designed and developed internally to attain competitiveness. One should consider adopting the systems concept of close collaboration and integration efforts with the industries which the commercial enterprises have deployed successfully for decades to attain competitiveness. This paper describes the use of Supply Chain Management (SCM) principles as an effective strategy to attain competitiveness for these so-called “Enterprise Systems Education” institutions.
