
Contemporary Management Research

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篇名 Knowledge Creation – Presumption Versus Actual Practice
卷期 4:2
作者 Anson K.K. AuIvy Chan
頁次 105-117
關鍵字 Knowledge ManagementKnowledge Creation
出刊日期 200806



As more managers realize that knowledge within their organizations is an imperative asset to leverage their organizational core competencies and competitive advantages, effective knowledge management (KM), in particular—knowledge creation—becomes a crucial practice for their business success. Given the multi-disciplinary nature of knowledge, many organizations find that their KM initiative diffusion is slow, and with diverse contemplation of what KM is and how KM could and/or should be incorporated in their business processes. To address the problem, this study adopted the focus group method to drill into various perceptions from business managers to reveal the gap between the commonly presumed and the actual knowledge creation practices. The overall objective is that, through better understanding the qualitative ideas of KM, more effective strategies for KM development, adoption, and implementation can be devised.
