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篇名 三軍聯訓基地周邊民眾「鄰避情節」與軍民關係之研究
卷期 109
並列篇名 A Study on NIMBY and the Relationship between the ROC Joint Operations Training Base and civilians living nearby
作者 鐘國應
頁次 031-054
關鍵字 鄰避情節三軍聯訓基地睦鄰工作軍民關係NIMBYJOTBCommunity RelationsCivilian-Military Relations
出刊日期 201612


國軍透過睦鄰工作,爭取百姓支持,藉以提升軍民間友好的關係。長年來卻時有耳聞,因 訓練、演習擾民,導致訓練基(場)地周邊民眾發生類似「鄰避情節」(Never In My Back Yard, NIMBY)。然而,國軍對於「鄰避」問題的研究顯得格外不足。基此,本研究以三軍聯訓基地 為例,透過文獻探討及深入訪談相關人員,試圖瞭解睦鄰工作對國軍與營區周邊民眾間的軍民 關係影響情形。 研究結果發現聯訓基地周邊百姓多表達瞭解國防的重要性,並且支持國防,惟常受到射擊 或訓練任務影響,而產生了「鄰避情節」;然而一般民眾與民意代表的訴求方式及內容,卻有 所不同。經由本研究的成果,呼籲除了應發展國軍鄰避量表,詳實分析民眾認知,並區分目標 對象,以先期掌握特定訴求,更需適時提升處理層級,並落實縱向研究及長期追蹤,以及重新 檢視工作要點,調整敦親睦鄰工作政策。


It is through community-relations work that the ROC armed forces win the hearts of civilians, thereby improving the civilian-military relationship. For a long time, there have been cases of civilian upset due to military training and exercise, which is usuallycalled "Never in My Back Yard" (NIMBY). However, the current available research on the issues of NIMBY is extremely inadequate. As a result, this study takes the Joint Operations Training Base (JOTB) in Pintung as an example, and tries to evaluate the impact of the ROC community-relations work on the relationship between the base and the civilians living nearby from 2014 through 2016 through literature review and in-depth interviews with relevant cases. The results show that people around the base do understand the importance of national defense and support defense activities, but they were often disturbed by artillery fire or other training tasks, resulting in NIMBY problems. There are differences between responses from the general public and political representatives. In accordance with the results of this study, we call for the development of the NIMBY Scale, detailed analysis of public awareness, and distinguish the target audience to grasp the specific aspirations, combined with more follow-up attention to NIMBY issues through longitudinal research for refining our community-relations policies in time.
