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篇名 當卓獎生成為公費生—公費師資生乙案之甄選與評析
卷期 34
並列篇名 A Review of Plan B’s Selection System of Tuition-free Scholarship Funded by the Government for Student Teachers
作者 李真文高建民廖昱維
頁次 001-030
關鍵字 師資培育公費師資生師資生甄選teacher educationgovernment-sponsored scholarshipselection of student teacherselection of student teacher
出刊日期 201612




In Taiwan, there are three plans of tuition-free sholarships funded by the government for general student teachers. Among them, plan B is created for the student teachers granted by Scholarship Program of Excellent Teacher Education. Teacher education institutions of many universities in Taiwan provide various kinds of selection systems in accordance with Plan B. This paper aims to discuss the problems with the selection system provided by these universities. This paper begins with the explanation of its goal and research method. Then, by introducing the Scholarship Program of Excellent Teacher Education, this paper moves to examine the practice and the efficiency of the selection system of student teacher designed by different institutes. Some implications for the selection and prepartion of prospective teachers who may be granted by the sholarship are suggested at the end of this paper.
