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篇名 科學護教——一個世紀以來,基督教護教學對於進化論回應的變化
卷期 44:1=512
並列篇名 Scientific Apologetics—the Change of Responses to Evolution Theory from Christian Apologetics’ Point of View in the Past Century
作者 王莉
頁次 181-197
關鍵字 進化論科學護教自然神學聖經神學Theory of EvolutionScientific ApologeticsNatural TheologyBiblical TheologyA&HCI
出刊日期 201701




In the past century, responses to Evolution Theory from Christian Apologetics’ Point of View have been changing. The Intelligent Design theorists developed from the Fundamentalists in contemporary era, which abandoned certain theological thinkings such as Biblical creation, mainly use scientific methods to question Darwinism. And Evangelicals use scientific facts to defend the idea the Creation is Biblical, especially with the latest biological findings. Therefore, with the development of modern science, the voices of Scientific Apologetics have been growing. Scientific Apologetics now uses not only scientific evidence, but also scientific methodology to defend faith. Despite the flaws that it may have, Scientific Apologetics have helped Christian Apologetics reaching a new theoretical level.
