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篇名 漢傳准提佛母經典之嬗變:以《顯密圓通成佛心要集》之「密教心要」為核心
卷期 15:2
並列篇名 The Transformation of Chinese Scriptures of Cundī: A Study on “Essentials of the Esoteric Teaching” in the Perfect Penetration of the Exoteric and the Esote
作者 謝世維
頁次 087-119
關鍵字 准提顯密圓通道厄 殳密教心要Cundīthe Perfect Penetration of the Exoteric and the EsotericDaozhenEssentials of the Esoteric Teaching
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.3966/168437382016121502004




By analyzing the section of “Essentials of the Esoteric Teaching” in the famous Liao dynasty Buddhist work the Essentials for the Attainment of Buddhahood through the Perfect Penetration of the Exoteric and the Esoteric, this article attempts to research on the various interpretations of mantras which Daoshen has brought together, thus disclosing the inner meaning of the Esoteric Buddhist practices. This article is divided into two parts. First, the author provides a comparison of various translations of Cundi scriptures during Tang dynasty. Second, this paper tries to explore the beliefs and practices that comprise the cult of deity Cundī. For Daoshen, Cundī’s omnipotent mantra and her cult subsumed the entire esoteric tradition. According to Daoshen, to recite Cundī mantra was equivalent to reciting all the mantras of full twenty-five divisions of esotericism. Thus, for Daoshen, the Cundī cult was not simply one among many varieties of esoteric Buddhism; it was rather comprehensive of the whole esoteric tradition.
