
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 An Improved Biometric-based Multi-server Authentication Scheme Using Smart Card
卷期 27:4
作者 Jongho MoonJiseon YuYounsung ChoiDongho Won
頁次 085-093
關鍵字 multi-server environmentremote user authenticationsmart cardEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.3966/199115592016122704007



Remote user authentication scheme is one of the most convenient authentication schemes to deal with secret data via insecure communication channel. During the last couple of decades, many researchers have proposed a remote user authentication schemes which are IDbased, password-based, and smart card-based. Above all, smart card-based remote user authentication schemes for multi-server environment are a widely used and researched method. One of the benefits of smart card-based authentication scheme is that a server does not have to keep a verifier table. Furthermore, remote user authentication scheme for multi-server environment has resolved the problem of users to manage the different identities and passwords. In 2015, Baruah et al. improved Mishra et al.’s scheme, and claimed that their scheme is more secure and practical remote user authentication scheme. However, we find that Baruah et al.’s scheme is still insecure. In this paper, we demonstrate that their scheme is vulnerable to outsider attack, smart card stolen attack, user impersonation attack and replay attack. To overcome these drawbacks, we propose a robust and more secure user authentication scheme. Finally, we show that our proposed scheme is more secure and supports security properties than Baruah et al.’s scheme.

