
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Simulator Design of Small-Sized Chip Automatic Programming Equipment
卷期 27:4
作者 Ching-Chang WongYu-Ting YangAn-Song WangMeng-Cheng LauHsuan-Ming Feng
頁次 131-148
關鍵字 automatic equipmentchip programming equipmentequipment simulatorEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201612



A small-sized chip automatic programming equipment simulator is presented and experimented in this paper. The chip automatic programming equipment is combined with one pick-and-place system, two trays, and several programmers on a platform. An equipment simulator is designed to simulate the general specification and research the production capacity. Two cases with four programmers and eight programmers are presented in this paper, and each one with three configuration types. A simply behavior strategy is designed to make decision of behavior and test configurations for the simulator. From the experimental results, the proposed simulator can be used to simulate the production capacity of the entity equipment so that the proposed simulator can be used to assist the inference of the appropriate relationship between the programming time and the programmer number.

