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篇名 探討智慧型手機使用意圖的影響因素:整合模型之檢驗
卷期 54
並列篇名 Factors influence on the intention to use a smart phone: An integrative model test
作者 曾薰瑤吳沛儀
頁次 109-132
關鍵字 科技接受模型任務/科技配適創新擴散理論知覺有用知覺享樂Technology acceptance modelTask-technology fitDiffusion of innovation theoryPerceived usefulnessPerceived enjoyment
出刊日期 201607


在21 世紀的e 化潮流中,電子商務與行動商務展現無比的戰鬥力,近年來智慧型 手機的盛行是促成行動商務榮景的重要橋樑之一,智慧型手機普及而且仍深具成長潛力, 是通訊業搶占的市場大餅,因此,瞭解個人的智慧型手機使用行為意圖是重要的議題。 本研究將整合修正後的享樂-科技接受模型、任務/科技配適模型與創新擴散理論以建立 研究架構,企圖能更完整的解釋個人的智慧型手機使用意圖及行為模式,並且進一步探 討手機「品牌」如何調節個人的智慧型手機使用行為意圖的影響力。 本研究對象是台灣地區具有智慧型手機使用經驗的使用者,採用人員訪問法進行問 卷調查與資料搜集,得有效問卷494 份,首先將對於樣本進行敘述性統計分析,接著針 對問卷各構面進行信度分析,以確立本研究的內部一致性,最後利用多元迴歸分析和階 層迴歸分析進行研究模型的檢驗以及調節效果的檢視。資料分析結果顯示:「知覺有用 性」與「知覺享樂」在影響智慧型手機使用意圖因子中佔主要地位,創新擴散因子皆顯 著正向影響智慧型手機使用意圖,任務/科技配適因子中僅有「知覺易用性」(此因子亦 屬於創新擴散因子)與「系統可靠性」顯著正向影響智慧型手機使用意圖,「品牌」對於 慧型手機使用意圖的調節效果有限。此研究成果可以提供相關業者研擬策略時之參考。


In today’s rapidly advancing technology and growing development of the Internet¸ smart phones with mobile devices will propel the popularity of mobile commerce and are going to remodel our lifestyle and work way. The smart phone market is growing and attracts telecommunication industry. Understanding individual intention to use a smart phone, the telecommunication industry can develop effective marketing strategies and achieve some great success. This article aims to increase an understanding of the individual behavior intention to use a smart phone. We combine the modified enjoyment-technology acceptance model, the task-technology fit model and diffusion of innovation theory to build a research model. We investigate the effects of individual internal beliefs (including perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment), innovation diffusion factors, and task-technology fit factors on smart phone usage behavior intention. In addition, the moderating effects of smart phone brands are examined. A total of 494 smart phone users in Taiwan were surveyed and the multiple regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were used to evaluate the conceptual model. The results show that a direct and powerful impact of perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment on intention to use a smart phone. All of the innovation diffusion factors significantly increase smart phone usage intention. Perceived ease of use and system reliability, two of task-technology fit factors, have significant and positive effects on intention to use a smart phone. However, we find limited support for the moderating effects of brands on smart phone usage intention. The practical implications and contributions are discussed.
