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篇名 空間概念認知創新教學設計——以國小數學課程為例
卷期 54
並列篇名 An Innovative Instruction Design for Spatial Concept Recognition ——Implemented with Math Course of Elementary School
作者 劉家驊沈恒慧
頁次 169-184
關鍵字 空間概念三維模擬軟體創新教學Google Sketchupspatial concept3D simulation softwareinnovative instructionGoogle Sketchup
出刊日期 201607




The spatial recognition is a field of core capability in education system, it has been regarded as basic instruction content in most countries, and concerned the need of consolidate with practical applications. However, there are seldom well integrated courses which corresponds 3D objects concept with perspective applications in the current teaching classes, the problem of worse learning effectiveness still need be solved. Recently, the simulation software of 3D modelling is popular with a lot of fancy applications, which not only has easy steps to get started, and can be linked to some free student activities of learning. It is hopeful to improve the spatial recognition of student learning. Therefore, we proposed a novel instruction design with spatial concept in Math course. It will be embedded into current teaching course of 5 grade in elementary school. The contents of design will include some innovative concepts and new devised courses. The practical parts of research will be proceeded by typical experimental design which will compare the performances of two different testing groups of student. It have been proven the obvious effectiveness between testing group and control group after the studied. Thus, we conclude the innovative instructions design for spatial concept recognition in elementary school will improve the abilities of concept learning and comprehension of Math course.
