
行政暨政策學報 TSSCI

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篇名 臺灣不同類型之農產品地理標示制度的執行成效與影響因素
卷期 63
並列篇名 The Implementation Performance and Influencing Factors of Different Types of Agricultural Geographical Indication Systems in Taiwan
作者 王禕梵洪愷伶王宏文
頁次 001-044
關鍵字 地理標示產地證明標章產地團體商標政策執行農會geographical indicationsprotected designations of origincollective trademarkpolicy implementationfarmer’s associationTSSCI
出刊日期 201612




There are two major approaches to protect agricultural products of origin features in Taiwan, i.e. protected designation of origin (POD) and collective trademarks (CT). The former is mostly used in European countries, while the latter is mostly adopted in the United States. The two geographical indication (GI) systems have their own supporters and result in a number of trade conflicts. Most scholars studied the impact of a specific GI system on farmers’ income and welfare issues. Few scholars examine the issue of how local organizations interact in different GI systems, and the implications for the implementation and effect of different GIs. The research conducts four case studies and the results show that there are four major factors, i.e. coalition strength, marketing capability, product heterogeneity, and product reputation, affecting the implementation and effectiveness of different GIs. In particular, the interaction between local organizations determine the extent of conflicts between stakeholders in the establishment of a GI, thus affecting the strength of coalitions, and the implementation and effectiveness of GIs.The results also show that the performance of CT is better than that of POD in Taiwan. This is because that farmer’s association has the expertise, human resources, and better relationships with farmers, which can make the adoption processes smoother.
