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篇名 從閣揆角色談台灣半總統制的行政權運作(1997-2016)
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 The Premiers’ Roles and Operations of Executive Power in Taiwan’s Semi-Presidentialism (1997-2016)
作者 張峻豪
頁次 001-042
關鍵字 半總統制行政院院長總統行政權路徑依賴Semi-presidential SystemPresident of the Executive YuanPresidentPath DependenceExecutive Power
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.6164/JNDS.16-1.1


台灣實行半總統制已屆20年,値此時刻,本文從廣受討論的閣揆 任命權出發,以歷任行政院院長角色爲軸,全面性爬梳台灣在一致性 政府與分立政府時期的行政權運作特徵。在台灣半總統制經驗中,由 於總統掌握完整閣揆任命權,使得行政院院長往往被認爲是總統的「執 行長」,不過,在1997年至今一共13位閣揆的憲政經驗中,總統是否 能確保閣揆的執行長化?或者,閣揆是否有和總統爭奪行政主導權之 可能?配合閣揆行動考量、總統立場、政治局勢變遷等因素,猶有諸 多討論空間。本文認爲,由歷任行政院院長任内與總統互動之舉措, 以及上、下台原因來看,台灣半總統制運作當中的「府院關係」,以及 閣揆角色的受限或突破,不但是解釋台灣半總統制運作的重要變項, 也是評估台灣半總統制能否實踐憲政民主的關鍵。


The semi-presidential system has been operated for 20 years in Taiwan. This paper will base on design and operation of the executive power of the constitution of Taiwan, ground on the theory of “Path Dependence,” and carry on cause and effect analysis according to the historical context. In the viewpoint of historical institutionalism, this paper not only pays attention to the context of constitutional history but emphasize the actions of relative actors in this history to probe what is constrained by the institutional structure is also the possibility to change it. By pointing out the path dependence of premier’s role in Taiwan (1997-2016), we shall conclude the President of the Executive Yuan is the key person to advance our constitutional system.
