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篇名 女性主義史學視角下的國中臺灣史教科書
卷期 67:2
並列篇名 The Evolution of Gender Ideology in the Junior High School Taiwan History Textbooks: The View of Feminism Historiography
作者 蔣淑如
頁次 067-081
關鍵字 教科書性別意識形態女性主義史學textbookgender ideologyfeminism historiography
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.6249/SE.2016.67.2.05


2004 年政府公布《性別平等教育法》強調學校教材內容應平衡反映不同性 別的歷史貢獻及生活經驗,並呈現多元之性別觀點。然而在現行教科書研究中 仍可發現存在許多的性別刻板化和偏頗的意識型態。 本研究以女性主義史學視角切入,檢視從《認識臺灣.歷史篇》開始,及 之後依據九年一貫課程綱要編輯而成的《社會》第一、二冊中的「歷史」,發現 國中臺灣史教科書存在如下問題:(1)對女性主體的忽視;(2)偏重政治軍事 史及菁英史觀;(3)男主女從的性別關係與犢武的男性互動;(4)重視男性和 公領域,輕忽女性和私領域歷史;(5)社會領域基本內容的束縛。 最後,本研究根據研究的結果,針對課綱與教科書內容編輯提出若干建議, 供後續進行相關研究的參考。


School textbooks play an important role in students learning at school; and the contents of the textbooks usually express gender ideology in an invisible way. This study aims to discuss the evolution of gender ideology in the junior high school Taiwan history textbooks with the view of feminism historiography. The major findings of this study are summarized as follows: (1) neglect the subjectivity of females; (2) highly focus in “political and military” history and elites’ point of view; (3) In gender stratification, males are superior to females. And the relationship of males often expresses the gender ideology of “male violence”. (4) stress the history of males and the public sphere, neglect the history of females and the private sphere; (5) The basic contents of Social Studies Learning Areas restrict the editorial direction of the junior high school Taiwan history textbooks. Finally, according to the findings of research mentioned above, some suggestions were contributing to further researches.
