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篇名 面紙強度的研究
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 The Strength Study of Facial Tissue
作者 凌嘉華
頁次 045-055
關鍵字 假設檢定P值變異數分析實驗設計單向或完全隨機設計HypothesisOne-way or Completely Randomized DesignTest,Analysis of Variance Experimental Designlesser wing of the sphenoidP Value,
出刊日期 201611


本文研究是關於顧客抱怨面紙產品強度的問題,我們用兩種方法測量面紙強 度(機器定向強度,交叉定向強度)並進行統計檢定和報告P值。為了了解面紙強 度這個問題我們設計虛無和對立假說檢定以及應用實驗設計,蒐集並分析資料, 本研究即摘要其實驗及結果(一個面紙製造商為個案公司所收集的所有資料,即三 個時期(天)的各75個觀察值)。


This paper addresses the customer complaints that have been received regarding the strength of the tissue. There are two measures of tissue strength: machine-directional strength (MD Strength) measured in lb/ream and cross-directional strength (CD Strength) also measured in lb/ream, and we will conduct these tests and report the P value of each of the tests. To understand this tissue strength problem, we designed the null and alternative hypothesis testing and applied experimental design, collected the data, and analyzed the data. This paper will summarize the experiment and the results (in the complete data set of a company there are 75 observations per day).
