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篇名 國際權力移轉對兩岸關係的影響
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 The Global Power Shift: Its Features and Impacton Cross-Strait Relations
作者 林威志
頁次 071-083
關鍵字 兩岸關係新境界兩岸共同體新型大國關係Cross-strait relationsCommunityPeaceful and stable developmentNew type of great powers relations
出刊日期 201611


在全球化時代中,國際環境對任何國内戰略的影響都是不容忽視的,在歷史 與地緣政治因素的作用下,國際環境對臺灣問題的影響更是如此。因此,兩岸關 係和平發展戰略的實踐不應該只局限於中國大陸視野。當前國際環境對中國和平 發展在總體有利的同時,也存在一些不利因素;美國是中國處理兩岸關係問題的 最重要的外部因素,但因兩岸主體性因素、其他國際力量以及國際法律與制度等 諸方面的影響,美國因素存在局限性;應該關注美國與西方其他發達國家在深層 價值觀與國家利益上存在複雜的博弈互動關係,因為這種關係直接形塑了兩岸關 係和平發展的國際環境。


In the globalized times, the external influences toward Taiwan issue more and more catch our eyes .We can? t only engage ourselves to domestic affairs when we are talking about the peaceful development of cross-straits relations . Nowadays, the international environment is relatively favorable to China* s development ; there are some adverse influences we should get ready to meet .The U .S .factor certainly is the most important one toward Taiwan issue , but considering the senses of identity of both sides of Taiwan straits, other international powers* expects and the restricts of international law , the U .S .factor may be relatively limited .So , We should also pay close attention to the complicated interaction of values and national interest between the U .S .and the European countries, because this interaction is actually giving main shape to the external environment of the peaceful development of cross-straits relationship .
