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篇名 觀光旅遊之產品涉入對品牌權益與購買意願關係之探討
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 A Study on Effects of Involvement on Brand Equity and Purchase Intention - A Case of Tourism Industry
作者 張曉楨黃品潔嚴佳代
頁次 104-120
關鍵字 品牌權益涉入程度購買意願觀光旅遊Brand EquityInvolvementPurchase IntentionTourism Industry
出刊日期 201611


國際展覽為參展廠商提供一個與消費者直接溝通的傳播平台,可為廠商帶來 數倍甚至數十倍的交易商機。本研究試圖從觀光旅遊業的角度,探討消費者在選 擇旅遊產品時所感受到涉入程度的品牌權益與購買意願間之關係。本研究將以問 卷調查法蒐集研究所需資料,以一般消費者及國際旅展的消費者為受訪對象,現 場親自發放問卷,採用統計軟體進行資料統計並對研究假設進行驗證。研究結果 顯示,觀光旅遊業者的品牌權益會影響消費者的購買意願,同時,涉入程度對於 購買意願關係也有影響,此外,品牌權益的涉入程度對於消費者的購買意願具有 干擾影響。此將有助於瞭解觀光旅遊產業對於品牌權益的建立的運用,並提供觀 光旅遊業管理者決策時的參考依據。


International travel exhibition provides the enterprises a platform to directly communicate with the consumers, indicating the multiple profits in the market. Under the stress of severe competition, taking parts in the international exhibitions becomes an important issue for the enterprises in tourism industry. This research analyzes the consumers’ involvements in the brand equity and their purchase inclinations on the viewpoint of international exhibition, trying to make up for the insufficiency of the theory nowadays. With the method of questionnaires, this research analyzes the data through SPSS20.0 as the results of distributing the questionnaires. The goal of this research is to investigate the consumers? involvement affecting the brand equity and purchase intention, contributive to the application and establishment of brand equity in the tourism industry. It also provides the managers of tourism enterprises important references in their business strategies.
