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篇名 《世說新語》中所見魏晉名士的「傷逝情懷」試詮—對禮之契合、反抗與轉化
卷期 31
並列篇名  An Explanation for the Wei-Jin’s intellectuals’ “Sadness for the dead” on “Shishou Xinyu”—fit, revolt and transform to the etiquette
作者 張谷良
頁次 083-099
關鍵字 《世說新語》魏晉名士傷逝情懷契合反抗轉化禮法Shishou XinyuWei-Jin’s intellectualsSadness for the deadfitrevolttransformetiquette
出刊日期 201701




The “Sadness for the dead”, is always in the classical literature connotation one of extremely important expression subjects, and the Wei-Jin Dynasty is also the intellectuals grieves for the dead the variation time which the affection universal despondent difficult to express. Liu Yiqing’s “Shishuo Xinyu”, is this kind of time special style and the energetic spirit phenomenon record, therefore, in this book’s 36 chapters, then has “Sadness for the dead” the total 19 material records, with describes the intellectuals’ thoughts and emotions. Although, its passage are not many, but with it related nature’s story content, actually also spreads in other chapters, especially take “Virtue” and “Willful absurdity” two chapters as many. Is it incorporated and classified based on that? Is the gist of this article attempts to explore. In my opinion: when the mentality and emotion of the Wei-Jin’s intellectuals was matching relationship with the etiquette, probably according to their own personality traits and the ideological concept, and show three different faces: try to fit the emotion to the etiquette, incorporated into “the chapter of Virtue”; try to revolt against the etiquette, incorporated into “ the chapter of Willful absurdity”; try to transform the etiquette, incorporated into “the chapter of Sadness for the dead”. So we can see, the author points out the category in this book of Wei-Jin’s intellectuals’ “Sadness for the dead”, the incorporation and classification, is really have its principles.With this discovery, and I believe that knowledge and understanding of the Wei-Jin Dynasty’s special spirit, will have the help.
